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Sudha Rachel
User Experience Designer

This project was the first responsive design that I developed a part of my UX Design certificate course with Google. I designed a Website that is dedicated to help users customise and make their own flower bouquets and find specially curated flower arrangements for special occasions. I conducted User Research, built User personas followed by wireframes, Low and high fidelity prototypes along with a lot of Usability Tests throughout the process to make it a success.

Check out the links below to directly go to desired sections or scroll down to view the entire case study-

Image by Matteo Kutufa

Challenge and Solution


SOLUTION: My website - "Inflorescence" allows users to order fresh customised flowers in wrappers or vases of their choice and build their own bouquets.

SOL 1.png
SOL 2.png

Preliminary Research

PRELIMINARY USER RESEARCH SUMMARY: Different methods of User Research have been followed at different stages of this project. We started with secondary research to understand the product needed, conducted interviews to better know the struggles faced by users, followed by competitive audits and usability studies to test the prototypes as well.

Following were the most important research goals considered-

Group 89.png
Group 88.png

USER PERSONAS: Based on the people interviewed, I’ve narrowed their personalities down to the following personas-


USER RESEARCH PAIN POINTS: After careful consideration of data synthesized from the User Research conducted, the following seemed to be the most common pain points faced by users-

1. People faced difficulty finding flowers of their choice at their local super markets

2. Quality being compromised due to retail shipping and preservation seemed to be another issue

3. Many people were disappointed with the limited availability with the choice of flowers too

4. Some of them who wanted to send flowers to their loved ones that lived away faced quality issues as they couldn't monitor their purchase physically.

INSIGHTS: People need a simpler and more reliable way to quickly order flowers of their choice.


Paper Wireframes

Web 1920 – 15.png

DIGITAL WIREFRAMES & PROTOTYPES: I then brought my idea to an interactive digital low-fidelity prototype and tested it with five potential users to collect feedback. 

Image 2.png
image 1.png

Usability Studies

After conducting Usability Studies for the prototypes, the results were synthesized as follows-

Untitled Jam 1 (5).png

USABILITY STUDY FINDINGS: 2 rounds of unmoderated usability studies were conducted with a diverse set of audience and the following problems were identified-


1) 5 out of 5 users found difficulty in finding buttons to move forward

2) 3 out of 5 users couldn't easily locate the call to action buttons

3) 2 out of 5 users wanted colours to improve the experience



1) 3 out of 5 users found difficulty in proceeding after adding an item to the cart

2) 2 out of 5 users still faced bugs when clicking on buttons


ITERATIONS: I made two major modifications based on the feedback that I received from the usability testing sessions. I took note of the user comments and suggestions, and worked hard to implement them in a way that would provide the best user experience possible.

My goal was to create a product that was easy to understand, efficient to use, and enjoyable to interact with. To achieve this, I paid close attention to the user feedback and made changes accordingly.


ITERATION 1: I added Text on pages to indicate they need to be scrolled down to proceed to checkout.

Iteration 1.png

ITERATION 2: I connected texts on the buttons of the prototype too, to fix the bug. Feedback was also sent to Adobe xd to resolve this issue.

Iteration 2.png

Final Designs

Web mockups.png
Phone mockups.png

WHAT I LEARNED: After using figma, it was a bit difficult switching to designing on Adobe XD, but I soon familiarized myself with the process and now absolutely love it! It was great to know how responsive websites are designed and that helped me understand the importance of designing for different screens.  It was a great learning experience to be creative when limited space is available and I also enjoyed working with a new software.

Designing this Website was an amazing learning curve and am looking forward to my next project!

Image by Tuân Nguyễn Minh
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